Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Love: Untold Tales

   Good evening dearest readers and I hope you all had a wonderful day! I myself started bright and earlier and helped out the Free Store, as well as the Sustainability office on campus today. My week is going by quickly and I can't wait for the weekend since my Mom is visiting.
   Today's post is accompanied by a song that I wrote for my friend (more like my adoptive sister) Véro last summer when we were working on an album together. It's still in the process since being in two different areas of the province doesn't work too well for brainstorming and recording, but that being said, this is the song with the name of the album. We call ourselves "Our Story" because we do have a story to tell and it's our own (pretty straight forward), and our sound is different than most popular music that's being released lately.
   I am enjoying myself in Ottawa very much, and I'm even getting back in touch with some old friends, but that being said, I still really miss those back home. At this point last year, Véro and I were hanging out once a week and I was seeing everyone else on a regular basis too; something that's clearly not possible this year. With that said, today's post is dedicated to my Vé and the good times we've had, and those to come.


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Laughter: The Infamous Journal

   Good morning dearest readers! I have finally found some time in my busy schedule this morning to write a short post. I've gotten dressed, made my lunch and re-read my essay that I need to submit this evening; everything is going by smoothly. As I read over the last couple of entries, I realized that I haven't written a laughter post in quite some time, so this morning, I'm bringing it back. There have been many interesting things happening lately, well with my job, summer class, the writing workshop and my on-going social life (the last one being my mom's favorite up to now since she thinks that I don't get out enough). Nonetheless, I'm pleased up to now with how I'm spending my time.
   So for this morning's post, we come full circle to the 'stuff Riley says' journal Katie and I started earlier this year. Its pages are being filled slowly but surely, and after my friends from work came over for dinner before we went to a work party, they discovered it and realized that we should have a similar book for the clever remarks that happened between us. But not only for the summer team, but make it as a kind of ambassador tradition where the whole team documents funny moments so that they can be remembered forever.
   It's true that some jokes are only funny the moment of, but some are worth remembering even if the punch line fades away a little every year. Heck, even some of the jokes Shakespeare wrote are still remembered even if they're not exactly fully understood. Some things are timeless, and a good laugh with some good friends should be something worth remembering.


Saturday, 24 May 2014

Literature: Steps to Success

   Good evening dearest readers, today's post is a vlog, so watch and enjoy!


Monday, 19 May 2014

Love: Fière de ma Francophonie

   Good afternoon dearest readers and it is quite the beautiful day. This morning's post is a short one but it is also one with a song. I figured it's been a while since I posted a song and today's will be different than past ones. The big difference with this song is that it is in french, so if you don't understand it, then you might just have to wait for the next song but feel free to listen still.
   So this just shows how proud I am of my french language and at the same time, this song is my dad's favorite so it becomes a kind of entry dedicated to him since last weekend was Mother's Day and it was obviously dedicated to my Mom. 
   All will be explained in the beginning of the video, so without further ado, please enjoy my first french song published!


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Literature: The Tempest

   Good morning dearest readers! I am having a wonderful summer and it's starting off with a bang. I've got quite the weekend planned out and I'm excited to start it! I've been reading lots, and I've been enjoying every minute of it (even if I did get a sunburn last Sunday). 
   The book that I've just finished recently is Shakespeare's The Tempest. Personally it is one of my favorites of his, and the story line is quite good. It has an otherworldly wibe, and even if there is romance in the play, it doesn't focus only in that like in Romeo and Juliet. My Literature and The Environement is teaching me more than I had thought I would learn in a condensed class, but I'm loving every second if it. The two other longer works that I'll be studying is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Life of Pi. 
   If you're not much of a play reader, but would like to try one out, read The Tempest and it'll give you a good base of knowledge dear readers. Remember to keep a smile on your face and a thank you on the tip of your tongue.


Sunday, 11 May 2014

Love: Happy Mother's Day

   Good morning dearest readers and I hope you are going to take advantage of this beautiful sunny day, and take the time to appreciate the most important women in everyone's life, their mother. It's a tough day for me since I can't be home, but I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my own mother Donna for all of the support she has given me through the years, and to know that she will always be there for me, and will always love me.
   I'd also like to wish a happy mother's day to my oma Nellie, to my grandmother Sue, and to my aunt Lina, Marie and Louise. Also, I'd like to wish my friend Véro's mother Doris a happy mother's day since  she acts as a kind of second mom to me as well.
   Looking back on all of these incredible women, I see why I am the way I am; a determined, value-driven and respectful person who will stop at nothing to see that her goals are met. I really appreciate everything that each and everyone of them has done for me, so on this fine Sunday morning, I'd like to thank all of you for being the great role models that you are, and helping to make the world a better place, one smile at a time.
   Therefore dear readers, take the time today to thank the woman that brought you to this earth, and appreciate all of the ones before her, because you will only have one of them in your life, and they will forever change it for the better.


Saturday, 10 May 2014

Laughter: Squirrel Scare

   Good afternoon dearest readers! I know that I've been getting behind on my entries, and I'm slowly starting to think that establishing a set morning schedule for when to post entries might be a little unrealistic, and I don't want to disappoint those who might be reading them more frequently, so from now on, I will post as often as I can, but it might be more towards the afternoons and evenings because of my busy work schedule. If you want to check once or twice a week to see the entries, that might work better for all of us.
   Now today's entry is about a co-worker of mine; not only can I talk about my roommates, but I'm getting so close to my co-workers that it makes working everyday really something that's quite fun. I don't think that I've loved a job so much since the first year that I worked at M&M's. Anyways, yesterday afternoon when my friend Ryan and I were getting ready to close up, we headed outside and he almost knocked me over when he yelled and back up abruptly. I thought someone was trying to get into our work after closing up, but it turns out that it was a squirrel that was perched up on the bench next to the door. He's from a small town of less than 200 people in Newfoundland and he tried explaining to me that their squirrels are the size of our chipmunks. Once I stopped laughing, I reassured him that it was quite fine to have gotten startled, and that I was simply not expecting a reaction like that from him.
   I'm so grateful that I get along with everyone on the summer team, and that I always have support from someone whether I'm at home or at work. Another funny thing is that even our boss can't get around the fact of how well we all go together. She even confusedly asked where "Ryla" was and then corrected herself by asking where Ryan and Kyla both were. So now, we're the office's new 'celebrity couple' of the summer. I think the best part of that is that it's not the first part that my name gets mixed up; Katie's mom asked her how Ryla was doing (meaning Riley and Kyla) at the time.I think the best solution for me to stop being called upon as Ryla, is to stop being friends with so many people who's name starts with "Ry".
   If ever you find yourself in a similar position dearest readers, there are always solutions to the problem, or you can learn to embrace it! Now go outside and take advantage of the glorious weather right now.


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Literature: Stories and Their Environment

   Good morning dearest readers, I hope you all had a relaxing Tuesday. I had a long day at work but it was rewarded with drinks with some of my coworkers once the day was done. I'm presently sitting in my Literature and the Environment class and I'm waiting for it ti begin. Many interesting things will come up in this class and one of the main reasons why I took it, was so it could help me improve my writing.
   When you set yourself goals, or you find your passion, it might not and probably won't come easy to you; you have to work at it. That's why I'm taking extra steps to help me climb higher up my ladder of success. 
   If you don't want to take a class, or if you don't want to participate in workshops, at least do a little research, even if it's one article a week or something. Every little bit helps, and you'll feel a little bit better about it as well.


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Love: Look Up

   Good evening dear readers, I know that tomorrow is usually the day where I should be writing an entry, and I had started one this afternoon since Sunday is my lazy day, but things just didn't seem right enough to write about. That is until a couple of minutes ago.
   As I was perusing my Facebook page to see if my grand parents had returned from Florida so that I could call them, I stumbled upon a video. This video shares the same title as that of today's entry. I'll admit that not only have I been very tired because of work lately, but the glass hasn't been that full lately either. I know I can spend time making excuse instead of making changes to fix what is wrong, so this video was another good wake-up call. This one is more technology based, but I think it reaches out to people that are quite close to me, and yet because of examples listed in the video, they've never felt so far away. Posting it on a blog isn't completely isolating myself from society since I'm not constantly on it; only when I want to make myself heard in a world where everyone's ears are shut.
   It's okay to have social media in your life, but it shouldn't be your only source for living. I have Facebook so that I can plan ways to meet my friends that are too far away to see often. I use Blogger to get my point across in a time where I wasn't being heard. And I have Twitter to contact authors, publishing companies and Francophone artists so that I can possibly further my own work. All of these things are to help me reach my goals. I never spend more than an hour in total each day (most of the time it'll be half an hour max).
   What I'm trying to say dearest readers is to watch this video and I ask you to not only listen to it, but to try to understand it. I personally feel like everyone can take something out of it and apply it to change a part of their lives (however small) for the better.

Look Up


Saturday, 3 May 2014

Literature: The Ottawa Cafe Hopper

   Good morning dearest readers, and I hope you are all ready to seize the day. I know I am, and since I am also working this morning, I know that my early rising will help me get the most out of my day. I will be taking advantage of this weekend to relax but also to organize my things since Monday I officially start summer classes and yet another week of my summer contract. The first one went by incredibly well and I love everyone that I'm working with. One of my friends has even started a blog, and its theme is something that I find comes of great use to me; coffee shop reviews.
   The blog is entitled the Ottawa Café Hopper, and essentially what she does is go to different cafés in Ottawa and then writes reviews about it. I love this concept and her blog is booming, so I encourage you dearest readers that if you are in the Ottawa area and are looking for new places to go, this is the place to get helpful ideas. Not only am I supporting a friend who is taking a chance with her writing as well, but I am also getting new locations in which I can go relax with a good cup of coffee while I write or read; heck I might even find my new study location.
   So I encourage you to go check it out dearest readers and if ever you find something that you see as a good idea, try it out. There's no bad experience when it comes to finding your muse.

The Ottawa Cafe Hopper


Thursday, 1 May 2014

Laughter: Contagious Trends

   Good evening dearest readers, this morning (well this week) has been quite the busy one. I love my summer job but it already feels like I've been working it for months instead of days. Tomorrow I'm participating in an event that promotes the french language, and I feel completely at home.
   Though this weekend is the same weekend as the leadership camp I volunteer at, I can still be a leader for the event tomorrow. Working with my coworkers on the summer team, I'm already starting to feel closer to them. We've already started to have inside jokes with each other. And because we've found out that we're such a funny bunch, we want to remember our comedic genius.
   So just like the book Katie and I created for the funny stuff Riley says, we want to create an anonymous book for our comedy. Therefore when something funny happens, the best way to remember is to document it!
