Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Literature: Calling All Readers!

   Good afternoon my dearest readers and today I am writing a second time to ask for your help. With the New Year creeping just around the corner, I have decided to make big steps in the creation of my Right to Read project. I'm looking at documents (laws and regulations) to create a Non-Profit Organisation so that I can help as many people as I can. Whether or not you remember, creating the Right to Read organisation is part of my 30 b4 30 and I'd like to get a head start on it.
   I've been doing my research but there is always a possibility that something falls through the cracks. I want to avoid that as much as possible so I'm asking for your help. The Right to Read organisation is geared to help communities who do not have the resources to acquire books for their own. I wish to send a variety of them so that the community might have them at their disposal for recreational purposes, or for research.
   I personally know that I would not be the same person I am today without the influence of books, and I want to make sure that everybody has the same chance to be influenced by the wonders literature offers. What I ask of you today is to post in the comment section either links to lists of remote communities, or even the name of isolated communities that could use books in their town (or schools). It's an opportunity to come together and help those who might not know what they're missing, or that reserve their funds for things more necessary to their communities. A little leisure is good, and I'd like to offer it to those who might not be able to afford it.
   Your help if greatly appreciated by me, and those who you will be helping!


Literature: Literary Indecision

   Good morning dearest readers! I am keeping my word as I attempt to post entries almost every day now. I think I've been quite successful to this point. As I looked back on previous entries, I realized that I hadn't released a literature post in some time so I've decided that it was now necessary to balance out the distribution of the 3 L's.
   This morning, I find myself stuck between a few of my hobbies. It would be great to sit around and catch up on some of the TV shows I've been wanting to see, but I want to take the opportunity to write since I haven't been able to let my mind wander by itself for quite some time; lastly I would love to read and get new inspiration to sustain my imagination. I was lucky enough to receive a variety of books for Christmas (some French, Horror, Humoristic Fiction and Fantasy) but I can't seem to make up my mind for where I want to start.
   I know I can't start with my French book since it's the tenth in the series and I've only had the chance to read up to the seventh. I would love to read a Horror book but I read one of that genre as one of the last books I've read. I started to read the new Thomas King novel which is The Back of the Turtle which is a type of Humoristic Fiction, but I've been dying to read some Fantasy. Next semester I have a feeling that I might have to read Tolkien for one of my classes and I've been wanting to read the Hobbit for quite some time, so I started it last night, putting on hold my Thomas King.
   One of the hardest parts about being an avid reader with a limited amount of time to read is the excruciating burden of having to choose. I wish that I could spend my days simply reading one book after the other (of course reading books that I've chosen myself) and to spend the rest of my time writing my own. However life doesn't not wait for a person who lives with her head in the clouds but it doesn't mean that I'll stop imagining either. It simply means that I must plan my vacations wisely. I invite you dearest readers to make a list of pros and cons, or simply to flip a coin for which book you'd like to read next because picking a favorite book is very much so like choosing a favorite child; something you can think about but can't have the heart to admit in the end. Budget your time and let your mind wander to whichever world your story takes you.


Saturday, 27 December 2014

Love: All I Need is a Book and a Cup of Tea

   Good morning dearest readers, I hope you all had a very pleasant Christmas as did I. As I ready myself to continue writing my newest story, I'm taking the time to share with you the name of a company that makes my favourite tea. 
   Reading or writing, I need a warm cup of something next to me; whether its cocoa, tea, cider or coffee, it helps me focus. During my week on Manitoulin Island this past summer, my mother, grnadmother and I went exploring and found these interesting boxes of tea at a cute B&B. It also had a cool little shop with all kinds of artisan items for sale. The boxes caught my eye right away because they were decorated with native art, and next to celtic art, native art and myths are my favourite. There were different types of tea for different purposes, but contradictory to Tetley tea (which claims to be able to provide SLEEP or CALM) this brand of tea actually succeeds. 
   The Algonquin Tea Company is the one who provides me with such wonderful tea. I've had the dream tea (which does wonders for a writer with a need for a wandering imagination) and I bought Ktie the sleep tea for Christmas since she needs something to calm her down when she gets too anxious with school. There are more that I can't wait to try since the first two have worked perfectly. 
   If you're not a tea drinker, that's fine... it makes a great gift. And for those of you who love tea, you might be able to find it at specialty tea shops or order it from the website I've linked below. Sometimes you have to try something new for it to make a difference.



Thursday, 25 December 2014

Love: Christmas Spirit

   Good morning dearest readers and Merry Christmas to you all!!!
I am finally home and in the holiday spirit. I do apologize for the lack of entries on the blog but I have been extremely busy as you all have probably deduced. Since I am home, on break and have no homework to do, you can expect more entries from me. 
   I will be posting a new song very soon and you will get the chance to meet some of my friends from back home. It will be tough being away from my roommates for a while but I can't be upset at having extra time to spend at home with my family. I am truly grateful for all that I have this season and I wish you all the best. With all the odd weather we've been having across Canada, I am so pleased that I woke up this morning to a beautiful white Christmas. I look forward to sharing my many pleasant moments with all of you.
   Remember that the holidays are meant to be spent with those you love and to make a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate than you. Be happy, be healthy and be present. 
   Joyeux Noël et bonne année!!!


Sunday, 7 December 2014

Laughter: Bath and Body Works Blunder

   Good morning my dearest readers! I am in a much better mood since exam season has started, and as odd as that might sound, it simply means that I get to study in peace without worrying about attending my classes in between. My focus is better and thus, my mood slightly more cheerful. With Christmas slowly creeping up on us, I find myself using my study breaks to get into the holiday spirit and to prepare myself for the impending time of joy and family.
   In an earlier post, my roommate Katie pointed out a quote where I had mentioned that bad things seem to happen every now and then, but they seem to be funnier and more frequent with Riley. Well, the title to today's entry is not about me. My roommates convinced me to get out of the house for a bite to eat, and at the end of dinner, Riley had errands he needed to run. We weren't going to leave him do everything alone, so we resolved to accompany him and get a Canadian delicacy: Beaver Tails. We had to pass through the mall to get to the pharmacy, when we passed by the story Bath and Body Works. I will admit that I do like the store, they've got good variety, but my roommates have taken almost a religious liking to it because of their scented candles. With all of their different sizes and smells, our apartment is taking on the vibe of a Christmas bakery. However, with Katie's convincing, Riley had decided to switch his small candles for the bigger ones knowing that they would last him longer. Wanting to put them back in their proper spot, Riley had noticed that one of the shelves was loose so he put it on the next one to avoid an accident. However, the top shelf that was free, had the same defect of the one he had avoided and thus, a number of candles fell to the ground. Katie and I were further into the store looking for a specific candle Riley wanted. At the sound of the crash, Katie simply looks at me and says: "Was that Riley?" before looking around the corner and bursting into laughter.
   Contrary to popular belief I felt bad and went to help Riley who was holding up the shelf to avoid having the surviving candles fall to the ground and join the rest of them. Once Katie composed herself, she helped and all was well. Riley did buy the larger candles, and Beaver Tails were now necessary to restore his spirit. I don't know how it's possible, but all of these unfortunate things keep happening; Riles just might be a walking hazard.
   In all bad circumstances, always help the people who are in the blunder before bursting into laughter. Then it will look like you're laughing with them and not at them, however bad you want to. Through all of our odd roommate dynamic, we will always embarrass each other, point it out, but still support one another in the end. Keep your head up, because it won't be the last embarrassing thing to happen, and it won't be the worst. The good thing about it? You'll have great stories to tell.


Thursday, 4 December 2014

Love: Getting in the Christmas Spirit

   Good evening dearest readers and I know you might be a little surprised to hear from me. Yes I'm still posting after all this time, but the silver lining is now shinning a little brighter. I've got a few things to celebrate today so I thought I'd post a new entry on the blog. I've just finished my first exam for this semester and I've reached over 2300 views of the blog. The numbers keep growing and I continue to be astonished at how people like to hear cheerful news for once, or how much people are interested in what I have to say. I appreciate this very much.
   So today as a treat, I've found a beautiful video to get all of you in the Christmas spirit. I have nothing against other religions or their celebrations, but I am Christian and I celebrate Christmas. I also have the right to show my beliefs and this video today shows just that, the story of the nativity of Jesus Christ. It is a song that lifts the spirit and put you in the holiday spirit, whichever holiday you celebrate. I myself am also getting ready to celebrate St-Nicholas (which is a Dutch tradition) on December 5th.
   There are always things to look forward to and one of my favourite things about the Holidays is family traditions. It's creating those lasting memories that will past down from one generation to the next, but also starting new ones to break the ice. Change is inevitable, but why not make it something worth remembering. I therefore invite you to post a link to your favourite Christmas (or holiday) song so that others might start up a new tradition if not learn more about yours.

Hallelujah: a Christmas Song
