Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Laughter: I've Got Mail!

   Good morning dearest readers! With a little bit of coffee in my system, I feel like I can finally take on the day. I've been working on a new song to post very soon to the blog since I haven't had the chance to put one up in a while; so please stand by for that one!

   Other than that, I've been busy at work ever since I completed one of the most busy weekends of my life. The things discussed and resolutions adopted were inspiring and I can't wait to see what the future will bring. I am blessed to be part of an organization where I get to witness first hand the change we are working towards. So as I settled into my work routine once more, a most happy occasion took place yesterday. Though I am one to get excited about the little things in life, I do enjoy every moment of my job. One of the things I like is getting the mail. I know, it may seem a little odd, but I like getting mail (whether it's at work or at home) because I find it a more thoughtful way to communicate with one another. Though sometimes it's good to leave a paper trail, it shows me that you took some extra time instead of simply clicking a button.

   With that being said, yesterday was the very first time ever that I received a letter in the mail at work addressed to me! Though it was just a promotional invitation, I contemplated framing it and putting it on the corner of my desk. It isn't much (and might seem a little silly to most), but to me, this officially shows that I'm part of the office. That I'm an employee at the FJCF. That I belong here. Once I stopped laughing to myself and taped the enveloppe to the side of my desk, I continued my work with a smile playing on my lips. Sometimes my dear readers, it only takes a little to make a big difference!


Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Love: En amour avec ma francophonie!

   Bon matin mes chers amis et je vous remercie encore une fois pour être là pour moi. Vous êtes réellement des gens dédier à mon blog et je vous le remercie. Ce matin, je pensais écrire un entré au blog dans ma langue maternelle, et celle que j'utilise le plus souvent dans ma vie de tous les jours. Il est vrai que j'ai graduée de l'université avec un bac en littérature anglaise, mais vous savez sans doute que mon français ressort dans mon parler (et dans mon écris) peut import comment souvent je me pratique. Je suis franco-ontarienne pur et simple.

   La raison pour laquelle je voulais faire un entré au blog en français c'est parce que je viens tout juste de vivre une fin de semaine incroyable, entouré de jeunes absolument inspirant. Cette fin de semaine était l'assemblée générale annuelle de mon organisme et on a accueillis des jeunes de partout au Canada pour discuter des enjeux qui nous affectent tous en tant que jeunes, et en tant que francophones. Encore aujourd'hui, il y a de l'intolérance envers l'identité que nous approprions à nous même, et lors de AGA, c'est la jeunesse qui développe des initiatives, des comités et des mandats pour inciter du changement dans notre communauté. C'est bien notre futur qui nous attends après tout!

   J'étais épaté par les propositions et la détermination des jeunes de 16 à 25 ans. Ils s'entraidaient tous et s'appuyais. Le tout me rassurais énormément puisque je ne me sentais pas autant seule dans mon vouloir pour du vrai changement. Avec eux, le tout semblait possible au lieu d'être un rêve simple. Ces jeunes travaillent pour changer l'âge de vote à 16 ans. Il propose des conférences et assiste à des réunions pour assurer que la voix jeunesse est présente et entendu. C'est pour ceci, que malgré que je ne me trouve pas immédiatement dans mon emploi de rêve, que je me sens réellement chez moi chez la FJCF puisque je contribue à du vrai changement. Il y a un aspect tangible dans ce que je fais, et je crois que c'est très beau tout de même. Je vous invite à découvrir les initiatives de la Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne française, et d'y voir combien vous en appartenez et bénéficiez aussi! À la prochaine!

FJCF - Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne française


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Literature: Adventures in Merrickville

   Good afternoon dearest readers! With all the happiness from this morning's pleasant comment, I forgot to tell you about the amazing weekend I spent with my mother! Friday, I moved my furniture into my apartment with my father who was visiting. Sunday, I had breakfast with my mother and a friend of ours before she headed back on the road. But Saturday, oh Saturday... that was reserved for a delightful small town full of charm and possibilities!

   After a morning of errands and chores, we headed on the road for about an hour out of Ottawa, to a town called Merrickville. I had come across it once doing research for things to do in Ottawa and I stumbled on to this small town. We drove and talked until we reached the small town. The first thing we did was stop at some local venders for some fresh organic honey and pickles (it's a weird combo I know but they were both so delicious that we couldn't help ourselves). We then proceeded to have lunch with some blueberry ale (sooooo good), to then walk through the town and shop a little.

   The whole town is laced with boutiques and artisan workshops. New things, antiques things, and old things made new. It was definitely a place I'd consider moving too since it's not too far, and the atmosphere within the community is so inviting. We found a few wonderful pieces, explored an amazing book store (because you can't go into a small town that has one and NOT go see it unless you are truly mad), had a great dinner at one of the hotel, and we even took part in the launch of the fall/winter collection of Wick Witch (a candle and scents store in the town). It was a great event; it was a huge turn out and we even got a complementary Tarot reading with our purchase. There a things in life that only small towns can offer you and I think that may be why I keep looking for them.

   So if ever you are in the neighbourhood my dear readers, it is worth the trip, and even a stay, since the hotels and B&B are quite original and quirky. It is a gem that not too many look for, but is precious nonetheless!


Laughter: Pulling a "KYLA"

   Happy hump day dear readers! Another Wednesday announces another week half over already but boy, there is still so much to do! Whether it's finishing off a projet by the end of the week, or getting all of your plans straightened out for the weekend, it seems as though we cannot always keep up with the ticking minutes.

   With that on my mind, I woke up this morning, mentally preparing myself for yet another busy day when I got a text from Riley in our group chat with Katie. He simply stated that he had just pulled a "Kyla" as he so stated it. The first thing I thought of was that he said one thing but meant something else, or that he laughed strangely and people looked at him like he wasn't all that sane. I thought maybe he tripped on a flat surface, but that would be pulling a "Katie", so it couldn't be that. I then asked him to explain what he meant by pulling a "me", and he replied that a homeless man had asked him if he could buy him a chocolate bar to eat, and Riles proceeded to do so, AND gave that man a Tim's card too. The man was very grateful and replied "thanks man, just trying to get through the day".

   I was and am truly touched that pulling a "Kyla" is doing a good deed for someone who needs it. If I wasn't sure what my purpose in life would be, or if I ever felt like I hadn't accomplished anything, I feel that if I were to die today and the only thing I would leave behind is that, I'd be one of the luckiest people. I guess I've been living my life right this whole time, and I just didn't necessarily know I was making such a difference. Today is a good day my dearest readers!


Friday, 9 September 2016

Love: For the Love of all Things...Vegetarian

   Good morning dear readers! What a week it has been, but lo and behold, the weekend has arrived. I'm sure you've all been quite busy with everyone settling back into their routines and all (as am I), but it's good to find some time to step back and let go.

   Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking my great aunt Madeleine to dinner at a cute little restaurant/café I had never heard of before. We had gone out to dinner together once before (during my first week on the job), but the restaurant that we wanted) which was the one we had the pleasure of going to last night) was closed, so we decided on this great Mexican restaurant near by called Pancho Villa. Though yesterday, however unfortunate our first attempt to eat at this café was, was well anticipated and did not disappoint.

   This vegetarian café is called Blossom; and it is absolutely delightful. It is intimate and cozy, and has something for everyone. Even if you're not a vegetarian (like me), it's definitely worth it. I had an amazing burger made out of Romano cheese and sweet potatoes, with some tangy coleslaw and BBQ sauce. That in itself was one of my top 10 burgers I've ever had, and though I not too proud to admit (or maybe I am) I've had my fare share of really good (and really bad) burgers.

   What's cool with this place is that they also have vegan and gluten free options. When a place boasts about being able to cater to such specific needs, I'm always skeptical about the taste. Often we don't necessarily associate healthy with tasty, but I couldn't have been more wrong for this great place. If I could guarantee that I could eat food like that every day, I could easily become a vegetarian, and have no regrets. What's also really cool is that with their amazing menu, they also try to use local produce when they can. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, it's always good to support local businesses.

   So if you're ever in the neighbourhood, check out Blossom on the corner of Elgin st. and Gilmour st. my dearest readers. And if not, try to find fun new twists on classic meals you enjoy before going out to local shops and supporting your community. Investing in yourself and your community will be the best ways to spend your money!
