Sunday, 23 March 2014

Love: The "I Am Grateful" Project Release

   Good morning dearest readers and what a beautiful Sunday it is; you can barely tell that there was an aggressive snow storm that happened yesterday. I hope you are all making the most out of your last weekend day because Monday is just around the corner. There is 10 days of school left for me, and as the pressure starts to sink in, the creative/reasoning wheels are turning to help me get everything done on time. Last night, I had the pleasure of spending time with my little cousin, and it was the perfect time to lead up to today's release of the "I Am Grateful" project that has been worked on constantly for the past month.
   In our everyday lives, we are quite lucky to have all of the things that we do, when so many others are lacking what we take for granted; I've realized that simply having a roof over my head, food in the cupboard and supportive friends and family, are things that are denied to more than a few. So today, with the help of friends, family and enthusiastic people, Literature, Love and Laughter is proud to present:   The "I Am Grateful" project.



  1. C'est super beau, Kyla! Merci d'avoir invité mes élèves et moi à participer à ce beau projet.
    Natalie Shlem

    1. C'était mon plaisir! C'est moi qui vous remercie pour votre participation; ça fait un vraiment bel ajout au vidéo!
