Thursday, 24 July 2014

Literature: Take What You Can Get Until You Can Get More

   Good morning dearest readers, and I hope all is going well with each of you this morning. Many wonderful things have happened in the past couple of weeks and here I am, finally back in Ottawa and ready to write. I've had time to rest up and relax all the while getting some sight-seeing done. Like I had mentioned a little bit before, my time back home was absolutely perfect and restful, which allowed me to take my second vacation only a couple of days after to Niagara Falls with my dear friend Ryan. It was time well spent and now I find myself back to work; well at least until I get to go home one last time in August before school starts.
   Now the reason for my writing this morning is due to recent good news. Even though the title of today's entry might sound a little pretentious, I can guarantee you that it is nothing of the sort. The title simply refers to going after what you want, and working your way up to it. It is not possible to acquire something right from the beginning without some hard work, because then when you get it, it's not as satisfying. You have to start from point A, to make it then to point B, to then persevere through the entire alphabet to your end goal.
   When it comes to my writing, I didn't wake up one morning and write an entire novel then have it published the next week. It's been years in the making, to create more than one story; to submit, get rejected, to make ties with different people and take advantage of every opportunity to better myself. Progress doesn't just happen over night.
   With all of that explained my dear readers, do not get discouraged when things take a little bit longer than expected, it simply means that it is worth so much more. Work hard and the reward will be great; but once you move forward, do not stop but continue your way up the ladder of success. I pray you to remember what Winston Churchill once said: "success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."


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