Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Love: Unexpected Travels

   Good morning dearest readers and I hope you are all seizing the day. I find myself in the cool yet refeshing town of Timmins Ontario as I am working a fair with the university. If I haven't said it before, I'm saying it now: I LOVE MY JOB! 
   There are many perks to working whike being a student but there are a lot of things to consider as well. Some people might find it too much, and at some times it is overwhelming, but when I see the difference I make in some students lives...that's worth everything. It does also help that I get to travel and it makes me realize how much I actually love my parents jobs since they get to travel so much. It makes me want to get a job that will allow me to do so. Sure it might get lonely but this is coming from a girl who wants to live off the grid in a cabin in the woods; being alone was already outlined in the plan. 
   It's not that I want to be a hermit, but being alone gives me time to think and to be alone with my thoughts so I get to work them out. If someone wants to tag along, I won't deny the company. So don't be afraid to take time for yourself and to spend time by yourself because sometimes everyone else's voice is so loud, you can't even hear your own. Relax and retreat and listen to what you have to say.


Thursday, 25 September 2014

Literature: Medieval does not stand for Mid-Evil

   Good morning dearest readers and I apologize for my absence on the blog for the past few days. I had been gone to Toronto for a university fair (that went incredibly well I might add) and I've been busy ever since I've come back. I am pleased to note that I'm attempting to start a new habit that will be a healthier one for me; and it is going to the gym so that I can stay healthy. I've only started this week and already, I feel better. Now because of this new habit I won't be giving up the blog, but I will try to continue both. School still has to come first, but my health (both body and mind) are also important to maintain so that I can do well in school. Every little bit helps to keep the well-oiled machine running.
   Now one of my classes that I'm taking this semester is Medieval English and it is one of my favourite classes. One- the professor is funny and entertaining, two- I've already read half of the material assigned so it's pretty much just some revision for me, and three- my roommate from first year Justine is in the class with me! It's easy to see how this is such a fun class, right?
   One day, the professor brought up the spelling of the word "medieval" to ask us what is medieval literature. He explained that once, one of his students had spelt it "mid-evil" which is incorrect, and yet it had some truth behind it since it was written in middle English ("mid"). The student had tried to argue that with middle English, is wasn't the spelling that mattered as long as it still sounded the same when it was dictated, but during this day and age, correct spelling of a word does matter.
   None the less, this got me thinking on how I really like medieval literature. There's something about the freedom of the words, and using certain references to incite a thought all the while it means something utterly contrary. It's the fun of the word play and of the fantastical stories. It's about the racy language and funny tales that would even today make a prude woman blush and yet, there's something so simple about it that makes it classic even if people continue to associate it with the dark ages. Some of the best known texts and stories emerge out of this time, and they are the ones that so many "classic" texts were influenced by (no matter how many times they try to deny it). Medieval literature houses texts like Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and the legends of King Arthur and Camelot. There are also some of the most beautiful and honest poems about Mary and Jesus, and yet there are some about the changing of the seasons and all the sentiments they bring.
   The saying "we cannot judge a book by its cover" is a saying I believe to be false. I always judge a book by it's cover because if it does not attract my attention, if it does not reel me in or catch my eye, I will walk right past it. The only time we might not judge its cover is if it is already famous and well known. The content of the text is important, but also is its reputation and appearance. So keep your mind open and your eyes sharp and you will be surprised by the amount of treasures you will find!


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Laughter: Student Budget

   Good morning dearest readers, and I hope you're happy it's Thursday because tomorrow is Friday! I've got quite the busy day ahead of me so I'm mentally preparing myself for this long day. I thought I'd write an entry today since I don't think I'll be able to during my weekend in Toronto, but I'll be writing once again on Monday.
   Last night Katie and I got to partake in a free live cooking show that we were invited to because of our participation at the Bridal Show. It was at a place I had never heard of before but it was quite insightful. We had a good dinner that was prepared quickly AND on top of all of that, it was healthy. The point of it all was that for the company to show off their products and to hope that the attendees will buy them at the end of the night. Usually the whole thing was designed for couples, but since Katie's fiancĂ© was 8 hours away, and that I had attended the Bridal Show with her, they had accepted us to go together. The one problem with that is that they were trying to sell REALLY nice but REALLY expensive products to students who are trying to not dig a deeper hole in which we already find ourselves.
   We were the youngest ones there, and probably some of the most impressed, but we could not afford it. Most of all of the employees were taking their turns trying to show us different deals and trying to persuade us with cheaper options, but I didn't feel like paying 25$ a month for the next 4 years while I'm still trying to pay off my tuition.
   I understand that everybody has a job to do, and everyone wants to prove that their product is the best, but there are only so many ways I can say NO in a polite manner before people start to get on my nerves. So if ever you find yourself in a similar position, keep your word and stand your ground because someone else will buy what they want and it will not have made that big of a difference. If you expect to get everything you want right from the beginning with little work to it, then you have nothing to look forward to, nothing to work for, and nothing to hope for.


Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Love: Grumpy Cat

   Good morning dearest readers. It's Wednesday and the week is halfway done. I can't believe it because we're closing in on finishing the 3rd week of September already. Many of you might be intrigued with today's title since the figure of Grumpy Cat is quite the famous one around the world. I myself enjoy its dry, sarcastic humour because sometimes it's so blunt but so true.
   I've had quite the momentous couple of weeks with so many things happening at once all the while catching a cold I'm still trying to get over. I've had a lot more trouble with classes this year than any other and I find myself only following four instead of my usual five this semester. That means I'll either be following a super intense second semester or find myself in summer (spring) school all over again. You do what you have to do so you don't go insane too. I had to meet with a professor and the meeting didn't go as well as I'd had hoped, so this is how it all came around to it.
   All of this put me in a relatively bitter mood especially since I had a lot of homework and assignments to complete, because I want to get ahead on homework before I leave for Toronto this weekend since I do want sometime to relax. My roommates finished at the same time I did, but decided to go to the mall; they invited me but I declined because I wanted to talk to my mom about what I had decided to do, (I'm the kind of person who feels like when I can't do it, I call my mommy -- and that's okay because a lot of people do and parents think about what's good for you). So once I hung up with my mom, I started some homework and ate dinner. Katie and Riley were taking some time to get home but I was in my room when they came back. They called me downstairs and when I went to see them, they were holding up (and I quote) a "cheer up" gift.
   They had gotten me candy that Riley picked up (because he wanted to contribute) and an adorable mini Grumpy Cat plush toy. He might be grumpy but he made me smile, as did my roommates. They know me too well and I am forever grateful to these dear people who continue to think about me. The greatest thing is knowing you have people who know just what you need and when you need it without you having to tell them what's wrong; these are the kind of people you need to surround yourself with.

Meet my dear Grumpy:


Monday, 15 September 2014

Love: There's Sadness In Her Smile and Joy In Her Tears

   Good morning my dearest readers and I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend. Mine was spent on a roller-coaster of emotions as one event on Saturday was sad and the other on Sunday was happy. Good things and bad things can arise in any kind of situation but it is our reaction to it that truly showcases the outcome.
   On Saturday, my family gathered around to celebrate the life of my dearly departed great uncle Roger. He was an amazing man that had accomplished amazing things; many of which most people probably don't know. I had heard most of the stories when I was four or five, so I didn't remember most of them. It was a big shock, but also quite sweet to see everyone that showed up to say their goodbyes. There were family members I hadn't met yet, and others I hadn't seen in twelve years. I got to be reacquainted with some cousins that were actually my age for a change. One of them (and I'm super excited about this) is actually going to school at the University of Ottawa!
   On Sunday, Katie got us tickets so that we could attend the bridal show in Ottawa. I had been to craft shows and different exhibitions with my mother but never would I have expected such a turnout. It was actually quite fun! I made sure to get all of the info while Katie looked around; I got us good spots for the fashion show so Katie could really see things that she liked; and I also made sure to look out for things that I thought Katie would really like all the while making sure she entered every possible draw she could (free stuff is always good stuff). We finished the show with a lot of info and ideas in our heads as we headed off for lunch at a new sushi place, to then go back home and end the night with a few episodes of our favorite show.
   The biggest thing in life is that people have a hard time knowing when it's okay to be sad, and when it's okay to feel happy. Some might feel isolated and alone with one, while others might feel guilty if they feel too much of the other. Whether you've figured this out or not, life is a balancing act, and it's okay to feel both deeply and whenever you feel them. There's always a tint of sadness in every smile, and a tear of joy for every one shed in heartache. So ride the roller-coaster and let your heart feel all that it can because it is better to feel everything so deeply than to feel nothing at all.


Friday, 12 September 2014

Laughter: Shake It Off

   Good morning dear readers and I have a funny thing to show you all. I think that with the return to classes, I've been doing pretty good in keeping up with the blog but yesterday I was very sick and could barely manage to get myself out of bed, let alone to the computer to write an entry. To make up for that, I've included a link below to a video that goes along with today's entry.
   There's nothing that bothers me more than people who are trying to be who they are not. Not to critique Taylor Swift (which is ironic given the song title) but I never really saw her as a country artist (most country artist today I don't consider authentic country stars) but more of a pop star. Her newest single "Shake It Off" gives off a pop vibe with no country in it. I will admit though Taylor Swift is not one of my favorite artists (I myself liking more the literary Swift), I will give her credit that she can produce catchy songs.
   Oddly enough a lesson can be pulled out from the song and that is to not be afraid of being yourself and making sure that YOU are the only person whose opinion you need to be worrying about. Everyone else is just a watchful eye who will seek out your faults. Be happy in your own skin and when push comes to shove, just "Shake It Off". So I invite you to watch the song but interpreted by a fraternity (I can't remember the university) and see how they shake it off all the while looking like they're having the time of their lives. If you're happy and comfortable with who you are, then everyone else will see it and be happy and comfortable as well.

"Shake It Off" Lip Dub - Frat House


Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Literature: The Other Side of the Story

   Good morning dearest readers! I hope your week is passing by as pleasantly as possible. As for me, there have been bumps in the road but I'm making the best of it. I've finally switch my last class and I've decided to go in a direction that I wouldn't have on a regular basis, but new experiences demand spontaneity.
   Last night in between homework and dinner, I was able to take a short break and finish writing the second song to go with the second story of the new novel I'm working on. It took a little bit of time, but it was tough to create two very different songs, each with a different sound and yet have them both be similar in one way; (that's the challenge that I'm facing with this new book). Having to build two completely different characters and stories to have them meet up in the end and be almost the same thing while trying to keep them separate is not simply done with the flick of the wrist.
   The greatest ideas are forged in the mind during an unexpected time and it tells something very particular about ourselves. I can clearly see how I'm shadowed in this new story but since it has only been for my eyes only, no one can really understand the underlying pun. Never be afraid to let yourself shine through your pages because you'd be surprise how many people feel the same way and will relate to you so much more. Let your true colours shine, but don't get caught in those shades of grey. Here is the official release of the Remain Nameless song (even if those exact words aren't said in it).


Sunday, 7 September 2014

Love: Bridal Buzz

   Good morning dearest readers, and as I get ready to finish my last day of training, I thought of writing one quick entry as I am still trying to fall back into my old routine.
   Last night when I cam back from a long day at work, Katie and I spent the time to talk about her new engagement and started to brainstorm different ideas for her wedding. Yes, you heard that right, Katie got ENGAGED this summer to her wonderful boyfriend (now fiancĂ©) Brad. I am so very happy for the both of them and even more happy that they are letting me take part in this beautiful celebration. It is still relatively far enough away but one can never start too early especially with something so momentous as a wedding. We spent time last night looking at dressed, talking of colours, little details and how to really make their wedding, something special from what has already been done.
   If you find yourself in a similar situation dear readers (first CONGRATS!) and second, take the time and don't rush into it. Yes things need to be planned on a large scale but what people sometime forget is that it's the smallest details that make the biggest of impact. You don't BIG to make a BANG. So keep breathing, and sooner than you think, that special day will be here and you'll be the happiest that you've ever been!


Saturday, 6 September 2014

Laughter: Rained Out Fun

   Good morning dearest readers and I hope that you are all having yourselves a good weekend. I myself am getting ready to go to work since I have training all weekend for this upcoming year; oh how I love my job!
   Last night, the city of Ottawa experienced a very violent and strong thunder storm. Katie is terribly afraid of them and she was stuck home alone since both Riley and I were at work. I was inside the whole day so I wasn't really affected by it, but Katie looked completely relieved when I walked through the door. One of the funniest things was that Riley lost power at work and even their back-up lights went out. He looked thrilled when he came home with his drenched coat that was still dripping when he hung it up. I don't always take pleasure in people's misfortunes, but Riley somehow always seems to make it look funny when something bad happens to him.
   Now I don't want you to think that I'm a careless person; no, quite on the contrary. But if we were to take everything so seriously and make a big fuss about the little things, well everyday would seem like a rainy day instead of being filled with beautiful sunshine. It's always better to see the good in the bad rather than the bad in the good. Knowing that both are in every situation is realistic, but what defines your attitude is which one you choose to nurture.


Friday, 5 September 2014

Literature: Aspire to Inspire

   Good morning dearest readers, and I hope some of you are still sleeping at this point. I must work early this morning therefore I'm up and at 'em. This morning's post is directed to my newest story that I've been working on bit by bit since the Island. Like I had mentioned before, Manitoulin Island is a magical place for me where things tend to work in my favour, regardless of what I might be working on at that time. I was working on an idea I had got while reading one book and then having two separate ideas already in the works, I decided to make the two, one.
   This newest novel will have two stories, told by two different people, but (without giving the biggest twist ever) there are still somehow one story, (try to figure out that one). One of the stories is called "Though I May Wander" and the other is entitled "Remain Nameless". Some of you might remember if you have been keeping up with older entries, that I did a poll to see which titles people preferred and I used the info I got.
   So with today's post, you've noticed a video; that's because there's a new original song (wrote it on the Island...that and half the book almost). And with every story I write, for me, they must have the song that accompanies it; the story must be told in a musical manner without telling the whole story. Therefore, today you can hear the song for "Though I May Wander" since I'm still working on the one for "Remain Nameless".
   The best thing to know my dear readers is that there might be tons of artistic works out there and there always a need to be original. It's okay to create after being inspired by someone's work, as long as you don't literally copy their work, then that becomes theft.But you can still be original through inspiration. Once we are happy with what we can achieve, there might be others who's talent does not come so easily. The greatest thing for us to do once we have been inspired is to then aspire to inspire others.


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Love: Scare Away the Dark

   Good morning dearest readers as I greet you with a second shorter entry. I've recently figured out how to create playlists on Youtube and it has been the grandest of time. I've also been able to find one of the songs I've been searching for ever since my dad and I heard it on a special edition of Coffee House radio on his Sirius radio while we made our way back from Manitoulin Island.
   It easy for us to listen to music while accomplishing a task we are doing in hopes that it makes the time go by quicker, or that it will give us the energy to keep going, (I always find an upbeat playlist to listen to when I'm cleaning). What doesn't always happen is when we stumble upon a song that speaks to us in ways we can't fully explain because it seems to understand the current struggles we might be facing.
   For me, it's a song by Passenger (one of my favorite artists at this time), and its title is the same as the entry's: Scare Away the Dark. I've been listening to it at least once a day and it gives me an added boost to remind myself that the choices I've made are good ones, that I'm living my life in a way that is good and that it's okay to be happy with what I have. It truly is incredible the things a song can tell you even when you think you're not really listening. So listen to my song, or you might have your own already in mind; it's always a good way to start your day with a smile on your face and peace in your heart.

Scare Away the Dark - Passenger


Laughter: The Roomies are Back in Town

   Good morning dearest readers, and yes this Tuesday is a good one. I've officially started school once more and my schedule couldn't be more overloaded already. This morning, I want to release two short entries to account for yesterday's slip because since school has restarted, I want to fall back into my old routine.
   This morning's entry is directed to Katie's arrival two days ago. The moment she walked through that door, it felt like she had never left. I had prepared a special "Roomie Dinner" so that we could all eat together while we watched one of our favorite shows. We then played a few rounds of Anomia and called it a night.
   Throughout the summer, it was fun hanging out with Riles (when he would actually socialize) but it's fun to be the three musketeers again. We haven't stopped laughing since she's stepped through the door and that feels good. The worst part is that for Katie and Riley, this is a slow time for them, but because I'm still working in between, this is the busiest time I've been in a while. Plus my grandma is in town, and of course I am spending time with her because I absolutely love her, but slowly but surely I'm starting to realize that there aren't enough hours in a day for me to get everything I have to get done while also doing the things that I want to do.
   With that, choices are hard to make, but at least with all three of us back in town, if I make a wrong choice, at least I won't be laughing by myself.
