Friday, 12 September 2014

Laughter: Shake It Off

   Good morning dear readers and I have a funny thing to show you all. I think that with the return to classes, I've been doing pretty good in keeping up with the blog but yesterday I was very sick and could barely manage to get myself out of bed, let alone to the computer to write an entry. To make up for that, I've included a link below to a video that goes along with today's entry.
   There's nothing that bothers me more than people who are trying to be who they are not. Not to critique Taylor Swift (which is ironic given the song title) but I never really saw her as a country artist (most country artist today I don't consider authentic country stars) but more of a pop star. Her newest single "Shake It Off" gives off a pop vibe with no country in it. I will admit though Taylor Swift is not one of my favorite artists (I myself liking more the literary Swift), I will give her credit that she can produce catchy songs.
   Oddly enough a lesson can be pulled out from the song and that is to not be afraid of being yourself and making sure that YOU are the only person whose opinion you need to be worrying about. Everyone else is just a watchful eye who will seek out your faults. Be happy in your own skin and when push comes to shove, just "Shake It Off". So I invite you to watch the song but interpreted by a fraternity (I can't remember the university) and see how they shake it off all the while looking like they're having the time of their lives. If you're happy and comfortable with who you are, then everyone else will see it and be happy and comfortable as well.

"Shake It Off" Lip Dub - Frat House


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