Good morning my dear readers and I hope that you are all well rested. Today is the first official day that I am still on vacation while everyone else has to return to their normal daily lives. I'm taking the time to relax, hang out with friends and to READ!!!! I had initially decided before I left Ottawa to come home that I would only bring one book with me (since I would probably get more this Christmas) and so I could pace my reading. Well the one book rule didn't really last too long.
I did only bring one, but I got more than one once I was here. I'm at 13 books that I've acquire; either as gifts or that I've bought for myself with Christmas money. Now I do realize that I have a week left, but even I'm not talented enough to finish that lists in that amount of time, especially since some of them aren't one-a-day-ers. I am proud to say that I've got some from every genre so that when I do find more free time (which probably won't be anytime this semester) I will have a diverse selection to choose from to top the selection from my already existing library.
Buying books might look like a disease to some people, but for me, it's a much cheaper way to travel while I'm in school. It broadens my horizons and gives me things to look forward to. I've started a list of places I want to visit when I'm done school, and things I want to try when I have the chance. Reading books have made me into the person I am today (in addition to my friends and family who have supported me). I could never understand a person who says 'I don't read' because I feel like they cannot be complete. If you are one of these non-readers, start out small because you'd be surprise at how much just one book can change your life.
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