Good morning my dearest readers! I have not forgotten that I said that I started up the blog again, because I did, however my posts will never be as frequent as when I initially started this whole thing simply because I need to pace myself with all of the great adventures I have to tell. Well this weekend my mother came to visit, and do I ever have things to tell you!
We started off things slow with her arrival on Friday where we literally just talked and went to bed; we were both in need of some serious rest. We got up early the next morning to go workout and do groceries; starting our day a healthy way is always a good choice. We then got ready and made a little road trip down to a town called Williamsburg where some good friends of my mother's own a B&B. I've had the privilege to go there with her three times already, and every time the food we're served is absolutely DELICIOUS. They have a team room where they serve breakfast, lunch, dinner and afternoon tea; definitely my kind of place. After good food and good laughs, we continued to head downtown for some shopping and a quick coffee break.

On our way back, we checked into my mother's hotel and got ready for dinner. We didn't exactly know where we wanted to go, so like rational people, we went exploring. We went up and down all sorts of streets but nothing really stuck out. On top of that, we were desperately trying to find a place that we had never been to before. My mother has this mind set that she has to do something different every single day, and that way she is sure to live her life to the fullest. I'm proud to say that she's kept that for two, going on three years now. The fun part for me is when I get to tag along. So we finally found a restaurant in an area of town we hadn't really explored before and stepped inside a small restaurant called Fraser Café. We were seated at one of the last spots open which was right next to the kitchen in the back. It's a seasonal menu, so you know that whatever you're going to get is going to be fresh; and that it was. I can surely say that it was probably in my top 5 best meals of all time. Yes, it was that good. A bonus to that was that since we were so close to the kitchen, we got dinner and a show since we got to see how all of the food was being prepared.

But wait, there's more! Sunday came around the corner and my mother and I went shopping in the morning (and got some really nice things for the places we are both going to visit throughout the summer) and then proceeded to have brunch at my aunts place. More good food and good laughs. We then went to the activity my mother had chosen for the day; visiting the Diefenbunker (which was something that had been on my To-Do list for the past five years now), and so we took the drive. It was on the outskirts of Ottawa, in a place with a small-town vibe. It was Doors Open Ottawa which means that almost all museums, embassies and public places are open for free. So we went and we waited until the very last tour and got to see it all with a veteran tour guide; it was very cool. We then headed back to town at a places called Alice's Village Café where it was my turn to treat my mother. Once more, I was not disappointed by the food, nor the atmosphere. This was probably one of the best weekends for me when it came to the food (and the company too). After that packed day, we went back to the hotel, ordered some food and rented a movie. A good end to a good weekend.

So this is a long post to say that every time people visit me, it truly is never a dull moment. The best part of it all is the fact that even if we didn't do all of the things I mentioned above, we would still have had a great time. It is one of the things that I've come to realize by living away from home for the past three and a half years: time is precious and more so are the people you decide to spend it with. Therefore chose wisely dearest readers because you only have a limited supply and it is not to be wasted.
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