Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Laughter: Either it's Fate or I'm Just Clumsy

   Good morning dearest readers and I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. I, myself, had the chance to go back home to Sudbury for the weekend to spend some quality time with family and friends. Not only was it relaxing, but it turned out to be quite productive as well. But, like all of my laughter posts, all happy stories have an unfortunately hilarious twist; and this one is no exception.

   Other than hanging out with Gen at home (booking places to stay in Ireland and reviewing some things for the blog), meeting up with my best friend Jordan for coffee, playing games with my brother and going for hikes, I also accompanied my parents to our lot near the lake on Friday. We wanted to go to clear up some of the branches and brush that we accumulated on the lot. We had two fire pits set up and began to clear out the load in an environmentally friendly fashion. At some point, I felt something hot on my foot, to realize a small crackling ember had lodged itself inside my boot while I was loading my fire pit. Frantically, I put it out and paused for a quick lunch break. Things were progressing smoothly but I had resolved to be more careful, and not to stand so close to the fire pit.

   Doing so, something else happened. As I tried to stand slightly further away while throwing in the branches, I found myself leaning in closer. After repeating this a few times, and strange smell arose in the air. As I tried to grasp what it was, I brushed my hair out of my face only to realize that the smell was coming from my scorched hair. NOT A FUN DISCOVERY!!! As I nervously combed through it with my fingers, I knew that the damage was done and no amount of wishful thinking was going to fix it. So I put it up in a bun (to stop it from getting worse) and continued to clear out the brush on the lot.

   The practical thing about this whole situation, was that I already had a hair appointment planned for the Monday, so something could be done the tame and control the sizzled mess that now adorned my head. However, what I found funny throughout this whole experience was that I had been wrestling with the idea of cutting my hair shorter for quite some time. I had decided to cut it once my first work contract was done, and before heading on my next big trip; but that plan changed when I got a new contract and new trips were being planned. I wanted to grow it out even more and cut it later with a friend, so that we could donate it for a cause. I guess fate intended that I stick with my original plan, no matter the other changes taking place in my life. Either that, or I'm just too tragically clumsy for my own good.

   Despite all of the madness at the time, the change is good for me. It's a new look to suit all the new opportunities and adventures that I will be embarking on. Sometimes dearest readers, your plan A will be better than your plan B, no matter how much you wish to stop the switch. Let life work its magic and be open to happy accidents. You never know what they'll bring you!


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