Sunday 3 April 2016

Laughter: Faceswap...Enough Said

   Good evening my dear readers, I hope all is well. I  know that I did not write a post like week but I figured that with all the excitement of Easter weekend, both myself and you, were all too busy to read the blog. However, I made sure to post an entry worth while to make up for the time lapse. Believe it or not, since the last post, I currently have 27 days until I have to move out, and 22 days until I'm done my undergrad. Time seriously needs to stop passing by so quickly because I don't think there's enough coffee in our apartment to fuel those extra hours I have to undertake. Despite that, I thought it might be a nice change to focus on something a little funny that a lot of people are trying out lately.

   Now I'm not a person to follow a lot of trends, but I do on occasion take a dip into the mainstream. And the trend I have been testing out is a concept called Faceswap that is created and facilitated by an app called SnapChat. To start off, the only reason I have this app is because my friends from work got me to add it to my phone so that we can stay connected with funny pictures. For those of you not familiar with the app, it is one that allows you to connect with your friends by sending pictures and videos that can only be seen for a total of 30 seconds at a time. It's a brief way of communicating which really forces you to capture just the right moment. Now SnapChat has added certain filters that enables you to make funnier faces and add special effects to what would be normal pictures and videos. One of which allows you to swap faces with another person next to you.

   This Faceswap can be quite ingenious and can on occasion prove to offer plausible faceswaps, but on other occasion (which happens more often than not with me), they produce horrible (yet hilarious) pictures. Below, you'll see the app attempting to swap my face with my roommate Katie's. We were slightly further from one another, and apparently the app cannot register slight flaws in the pictures. The second is a faceswap that I did with my brother which resulted in utter horror. For some reason, my face in the faceswap filter tends to breed some kind of alien race. If you haven't tried the app, it's guaranteed to grant a good laugh (one that will make you feel like you've got abs by the end of it) or at least a great story to tell after. So I invite you my dear readers to test it out and see what the results will be!


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