Sunday 8 May 2016

Love: Mothers Day

   Good afternoon dear readers and happy mother's day to you all. Whether you are a mother or not, we all had one at some point in our lives, and let's be honest, we couldn't be here without them (literally)! Who came first, the chicken or the egg? It doesn't really matter because you can't have one without the other.
   So today's post is pretty straight forward. I apologize that I didn't post anything in regards to my move last weekend since it was all pretty emotional, but with every new change in life, comes something else to look forward too. My amazing parents helped me move my entire apartment in two days and drove all the way back home. I even got to drive there and back in my new car (so at least Glen can survive longer road trips) and it's given me extra courage to go out on my own. I've been hiking with my friend Gen to get in shape for our trip to Iceland (which we will be leaving for in less than two weeks) and I'm tying up any loose ends before the adventure.
   I'm stating all of these big details because my mother is all part of it too. If it wasn't for her, not only would I not be alive to experience it, but she has never told me that I couldn't do anything. She may have mentioned once or twice that something wasn't a good idea, but she never said I couldn't. I know that I wasn't (and still am not sometimes) the easiest child to raise, but I'd like to think that she (and my dad) have done a pretty good job. I have an amazing relationship with my mom and I honestly do not think that I'd be able to live without one with her. A lot of my friends love her too (who wouldn't?!) and I sometimes get jealous (because I don't like to share) but I know that she can make the biggest difference with the slightest effort.
   My mother, my grand mother, my oma and my aunts are amazing women. They are strong, independent, caring and continuously show me that there isn't a thing that a mom can't accomplish when she sets her mind to it. And I'll admit that for a really long time, I was convinced that I didn't want any children, but after seeing all of the love in their hearts, and the love I have for them, I don't know why I wouldn't want that experience for myself. I don't care if people criticize that mother's day is a hallmark made-up holidays to increase profits, but our parents (who are so giving) deserve to be thanked and rewarded every day for what they have offered us. Especially on my end, I wouldn't have Literature, Love or Laughter in my life without my wonderful maman.
Joyeuse fête des mamans! <3


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