Tuesday 10 January 2017

Laughter: Joy that Echoes

   Good day dear readers and what a wonderful Tuesday it is. As part of my New Year's resolution, I vowed to write for myself at least once a week, and I've kept that promise too. What I like about my resolution is that it doesn't limit myself to once a week either, but simply states a minimal number. Aiming low and reaching high is usually a good way of working for me.

   I've been lucky enough that ever since coming back from my holiday break, Riles has started his new job/placement. Because of this, most of his regular classmates/friends have left the city for their own placements. It's not that Riles and I don't hang out outside of school, but it wasn't always as easy because of our conflicting schedules. Now we literally work the same hours, and the same days which makes hanging out a lot easier. Upon coming back to Ottawa, Riles and I drove back down together (since I had been in Stratford to visit Katie during the end of my break) and the night after, Riles proposed two movies we could go see. I agreed right away, and he then suggested another one not too long after. I think Riles was afraid that I'd get overly excited so he felt the need to follow-up saying that he didn't want to monopolize all my time, and that hanging out with me wasn't the only thing he could do, but I just smiled and nodded so that I wouldn't blurt out how happy I was and scare him off like a baby deer.

   The first movie we went to see was at this local theatre and it was called "Loving". It was quite the interesting story, and I really enjoyed it. Now I must explain to you why this entry is filed under the Laughter section of the blog. The movie theatre we went to is an older theatre. It's vintage, has one large theatre and you have to pay cash (that should give you an idea of how old it is). Now the ideal spot to sit to get the perfect view is right in the centre row, but in the middle of the theatre since if you sit at the back (like you would do with modern theatres) you can't see as well with the slightly smaller screen. So when we got there, we sat down in these prime seats, and talked, and watched the previews. As to be expected (when I hang out with Riles) I laughed, and I laughed loud. And then I couldn't stop laughing because I realized that in this large, old and semi-empty theatre, my laughed echoed because of where we were sitting down. Riles's eyes grew large as he realized what this meant and I could feel him stare at me every once in a while through the movie to make sure that I wasn't going to laugh at inappropriate moments, because it was a sure fire way for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE to hear. I know that my laugh is funny alone, and that I've got a voice that carries, but I've never heard it echo before; it was like I was in surround-sound.

   The good news is that I laughed only at the appropriate moments, so Riles wasn't embarrassed (well at least not much) and we left the movie to grab a bite to eat. And because it went so well, I'm sure the offer to go see the two other movies still stand. So I'll leave with you a quote I heard not too long ago that I had to attribute to the situation at the movies. It stated that: "How beautiful it is that we laugh because our bodies cannot contain the joy." That my dearest readers is a wonderful thought, but I must ask myself exactly how happy I must be, since I am always laughing, overflowing with joy. It is a beautiful thing to hear a joy that echoes in the simplest of ways.


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