Monday, 20 January 2014

Laughter: Preserving the Funny Lines

   And a good morning to you dearest readers; I hope you all had a wonderful sleep! On this mediocre Monday morning, I thought of writing a post on laughter since we could all use a little bit of a giggle on these misunderstood Mondays. This post is inspired by my roommates and this little quirky thing we've started. I am glad to say that I am living with two great people who not only know when its time to study and work hard, but that also know when it's okay to goof off a little and have some fun.
   After a couple of months living together, we realized that we were quite the comedic bunch, but that in some instances, we couldn't quite remember what had been said during these funny moments. What we also realized my roommate Katie and I, was that our other roommate Riley had a tendency to say really funny things, but that they became even funnier when they were taken out of their respected context. So one night, we decided to start off a little book that we kept in the living room, and once we thought something funny was said, we would write it down immediately and therefore preserve this comical memory forever.
   Most of the book is dedicated to things Riley says, but we decided to leave a few extra blank pages at the end so that when Katie and I decide to be funny, our comedy genius can be made immortal as well. To give you a few samples of what has been kept from our funny memories, I will start by telling you my very first entry into this glorious book. I had been waiting at the bus stop one day and a really attractive guy walked passed me and he was limping away as he did so; I came to realize that this was not the first instance where an attractive guy limped passed me; three other similar instances had happened that week. I immediately texted my roommates saying that: "I keep seeing cute guys that are limping past me; it's like God's making it easy for me to catch them." Katie in one of her respectful comedy moments had shouted the words "THIS.IS.MORNING!" as she mimicked the Sparta moves while trying to get Riley to wake up. And finally for Riley (who is technically the star of this book) his entries resemble a pattern of dry, sarcastic humour. For a recent entry, he told Katie: "Just found a spider in my bathroom; but don't worry I moved him to your bathroom where his family probably is;" (and I should also probably mention that Katie is deathly afraid of spiders).
   So whether you feel like preserving the moment for it quality or with the intention of retelling the joke, having a book where funny instances can be recorded is like a literary scrapbook of good times. Remember this dear readers, make time for the important things in life and "a day without laughter is a day wasted." -Charlie Chaplin


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