Saturday, 25 January 2014

Love: Winter Wonderland

   Good early morning dear readers. I hope you all slept well last night; one must be well rested before even attempting to tackle on the things that life throws at us on a daily basis. There have been a few past mornings where I kept mentioning how cold it was, and how snowy, and how winter just loves to be temperamental here. But I must say that I actually really like winter. There something just so beautiful about it, no matter how it decides to make its mark on the world.
   There was a large ice storm that happened in Toronto just around Christmas time and it left many  people without power for weeks; it even brought down large trees and closed a numerous amounts of roads. The storm and its effects on people was absolutely horrible, but when we went to visit some relatives a week after it had happened, the scenery was just breathtaking. It was like there were forests of glass and crystal; a light coat of snow shimmering like diamonds. The cold, crisp nights make way for some of the most beautiful display of stars that even the summer time has a hard time competing with.
   It's not just nature that appears to be beautiful regardless of the circumstances, but there are lots of activities one can do during winter. I personally love to go downhill skiing; the rush of flying down a mountain as you carve down its snowy surface. I also enjoy cross country skiing as a kind of cardio activity. It's also great for taking the scenic route; I think of it as a winter version of hiking. I'd like to go ice fishing some time soon, and snow shoeing as well. I've been skating a few times as well (I'm in the city where the Rideau Canal is; the world's largest outdoor skating rink), like I'm going to pass up that opportunity. I also enjoy going snowmobiling and going sliding down large hills with saucers and toboggans. Winter can be just as much fun as summer, you just need to be well prepared and bundled up. 
   However, though I enjoy all of these outdoor winter activities, and I love taking deep breaths of the cold fresh air, one of my favorite winter activities happens when it's much too cold to even go outside. That is when you turn on the fireplace, put on comfy clothes, make some hot cocoa or tea, and then either have a Disney movie marathon all day long, or try to finish a book in a day.
   This is what winter was made for: having a good time regardless of the weather. With this said dearest readers, go outside and fill your lungs with that crisp, clean, cold air so that you're able to warm yourself up by the fireplace afterwards. Enjoy all of the day, even if darkness creeps in a little earlier this time of the year.


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