Friday, 10 January 2014

The three "L's" to a happy life

Though I am young, I have lived many different experiences and I have found that through everything, the pursuit of happiness can be reached using these three L's; literature, love and laughter. Literature, the first "L" brings us to new worlds, and makes us live experiences we couldn't even fathom in our wildest dreams. It's in the writing of our everyday lives, like newspapers, blogs, textbooks, and even the novels that inspire the films that lead on to fandoms. It is the words that are written down that make us eternal. The second "L", love is also very important. It doesn't have to be the love of a significant other, though I haven't had the privilege to experience such, but it can be warmth felt by a close friendship, by family, that song that shelters you during a dark time or even by your favorite kind of food. Love is a strong word that can be attributed to many things in life; yes it is better to say that you like something and you should keep the word love for that special someone, but for the sake of a weak sounding title, I settled for the power of the word love. Lastly, the remaining "L" is dedicated to laughter. Life itself is hard enough without having to take every moment of it seriously. Through laughter, we can find the simple things in life that are worth remembering, it can keep us fit (you know when you laugh so hard you think you can feel abs coming along), and there's truly not a sound in the world better than the contentment of the soul of a person. Don't deny it, you can help but smile, let alone laugh along when you hear that baby giggling hysterically. So dear readers, this is your glimpse into the posts to come. I could have chosen to write about hard hitting issues in society, or about the new celebrity scandals, but I'd like to concentrate on what makes me happy, and coincidently, I hope you find things that you enjoy as well, or at least makes you think about what you read. I'll admit that right from the beginning that I aspire to become a writer, and I enjoy my fiction so the fact that I'm writing non-fiction is a big thing; count yourself lucky this time. I have to admit that you'll see maybe that I'm biased a little in the Literature posts, but hey, everyone's allowed to have a guilty pleasure, no? Therefore dear readers, I invite you to take a look through my eyes, because sometimes all you need to understand something new, is a different perspective.


1 comment:

  1. Merci Kyla pour partager avec nous tous les jours. C'est super ! GP & G'M oxox
