Hello my dear readers. We are now Wednesday, and the middle of the week which means that you only have roughly two days until you can spend your entire weekend reading if you wanted to (that's what I'll be doing). Today I thought about describing some of the steps I am taking or have taken to reach my goals. Every step higher, however small it may seem, is a step higher than where you were once before; progress is progress, and be grateful you're moving forward.
First step to take if you want to be a writer, is to write something. You may think that, that is stupid advice, but instead of saying that you want to be known and complain about those that are successful, pick up a pen, or log onto your computer and write something down; (you have to do something to get something in return).
Second step is to do a little bit of research. I myself have searched through lists and lists of not only Canadian publishers, but also American and European; I've even researched my fair share of literary agencies (they are not the same thing, but they both bring you to publishing). Now once you've done thorough research, and found out the companies that are looking for your genre and style of writing, send in some manuscripts!
Third step, is an extra one that I'm taking. This one is geared toward writing competitions. I've entered a couple of competition up to now, and I plan on continuing to do so. This is the time to step out of your comfort zone and see what other genres you can write. I've discovered that I can write Creative Non-Fiction quite well, and this is coming from a fan of fiction. Trying new things can help too; I've even written a children's book, and though it was hard, I've been encouraged on many times to try to publish it because of its popularity with my reading panel. When I say "reading panel", it's really more like a select few people in my circle of family and friends that will be completely honest about my writing and give me constructive criticism so that I may better myself and my stories as well. And another thing I've done to practice my writing skills and get the feedback of the public, is to write this blog for you my dearest readers.
And the fourth and final step, is to seize every possible opportunity that becomes available. I had mentioned the Writer-in-Residence program offered here at my university, and I am taking advantage of that; having an actual writer give me feedback so that I can make the necessary alterations and turn it into something that publishing companies will want, but forever keeping it as my own. If ever there is a book signing, go to it. In Sudbury Ontario, Margaret Atwood celebrates her birthday at Laurentian University every year, and it is this huge event where the community is invited to attend; I have done this and if you are from the area and like literature or writing, jump on this opportunity. There are so many things offered out there to help those who are willing to put in the work, you just need to take those steps.
With my not-so secret to success unveiled, I invite to take these steps if you'd like, but this is what is helping me get closer to accomplishing my goal of becoming a writer. So dream big or dream small, but just know that your steps to climb will be equal in grandeur to the size of dream.