Monday, 3 February 2014

Love: What Warms a Heart

   Howdy dearest readers, how ya'll doin on this fine morning? (I thought that the accent on the greeting would spice things up a little for a Monday). Today, since nothing truly funny happened this weekend that's worth mentioning, and I'm still reading Robert B. Parker's book "Looking for Rachel Wallace" for a class, I haven't had any new material to comment on; so therefore I'm not writing a Literature or a Laughter post.
   Last night however, my roommates and I saw an add for beautiful chocolate labs for sale, and we just all melted at the thought of owning a puppy. Riley already has a dog back home and Katie has a cat, but I myself never had anything more than a fish, (it doesn't help that both my mother and my brother are allergic to fur and feathers either). We then proceeded to look through every adoption service, all of the shelter listings and looked at all of the dogs available. We started to consider the idea of adopting one, but we know that it can't be a possibility right now, but a hopeful one in the future. I myself absolutely love all kinds of animals and I can't wait to own my own.
   But since that isn't a possibility right now, I content myself by having a stuffed puppy, and I look at pictures of dogs, but also of my favorite animal, the wolf. I don't know if I like wolves so much because I like dogs, or the other way around. I have paintings, posters, a stuffed animal, jewelry and the list goes on; I can't help it, I just love them so much. I don't know if its their eyes that speak to me, or the beautiful color of their coats but there is something about the animal that in which I can feel a connection. I'm not trying to sound corny (or like a hippie) but I fee like the eyes of a wolf put me at ease (even if people say they are dangerous creatures). That is one thing that always confused me; why people are scared or ill at ease on seeing a wolf, or a bear, or even a great white shark. Those creatures wouldn't hurt us if we didn't disturb their territory, or their lives. They are simply beautiful creatures, (even in the film "The Grey", I liked those wolves); don't think me crazy or cynical, I just really, really like wolves.
   Whether it is a dog, or the picture of a wolf, I long for the day when I can own one of the animals in their family. Nothing warms a heart like someone or something that loves you back. So if you feel more comfortable having a real dog, or just the screen saver of one to make your day, they will always have that loyal, loving look for you dearest readers.


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