Friday, 7 February 2014

Literature: Mystery Novel Class

   Good morning my dear readers, I hope you are thinking of what you can put on your "I Am Grateful" sign so that I could add it to the video. I won't be bringing it up until the actual release date, which will be used as a kind of celebration for the blog; (we're on our way!).
   This morning I thought it might be interesting to talk about certain things you can do if there's a specific literary genre that you absolutely love. I myself love fiction (like I mentioned before), but I really like all of the different types of fiction as well, like fantasy, sci-fi, mystery and horror. Being a university student and having access to all kinds of different classes, I have learned and enjoyed both my Fiction of Horror class, and my Mystery Novel class this semester.
   I was lucky enough to have the same professor for both of those classes since she was absolutely phenomenal in her explanations. I've read and learned so many things not only because of the volume of books I had to read, but the vast selection as well. In my horror of fiction class, we studied some classics like Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Frankenstein; but we also read some more contemporary ones like I Am Legend and A Scent of New-Mown Hay. I won't even mention all of the titles I need to read for my Mystery Novel class, but I do have 8 to read. With this, I figured out that I really do enjoy horror fiction (I already loved the work of Dean Koontz and Stephen King) and it was fun to discover new authors, but I'm slowly getting back in the mood for mystery novels (because I've always loved Agatha Christie) and now I'm discovering other authors that I've come to like.
   With all of that said, if you really like something my dear readers, and you have the opportunity to turn it into a learning experience, go for it. You never know what you might learn, and you never know what kind of stories you'll discover.


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