Sunday, 2 February 2014

Love: Spontaneous Vacations

   Good morning my dearest readers; since I barely slept all night, I got the chance to spend all of that wonderful time thinking about what to write about this morning, (a little bit of sarcasm implied, but not that much). One of the hardest things about trying to fall asleep is the fact that all of life's most pressing questions creep into your mind when you simply want it to be blank. With my motivation for today's post explained, let's proceed.
   I've always been one who loved to travel. Whether it was driving half and hour to visit a friend, or driving longer to see family or even travelling to another country; I am a pro-travel person. I actually picture myself only living in an area no more than ten years at a time because I want to experience as much of the world as I can. I will always return home to visit my family, and I hope to have a cottage on Manitoulin Island (because it is my favorite place on earth), but what I can't wait to do is take a spontaneous vacation. I'm not really picky when it comes to the concept; my mother and I talked about it and said when I'd be done school, if a travel company offered a great last minute package to a location wherever it may be, we'd jump on that opportunity. Don't get me wrong, I'm already planning a trip to Europe with my friend Gen for the summer of our graduation, and I also plan on going to Africa with my mother but my spontaneous vacation idea does not have to be determined by that kind of distance and magnitude. I'd honestly be really happy with an unplanned road trip to a small town that's an hour away.
   I like having my life organized and having my week planned out, but if one Saturday or Sunday morning, someone asked me to join them to their camp, or to go shopping in North Bay, or even to go spend the day on Manitoulin Island, I'd drop whatever I would have planned and take that trip.
   It's good to have things worked out in life because it makes accomplishing your goals that much easier, but like Germaine Greer said "The essence of pleasure is spontaneity". So work for your goals dearest readers, but never refuse a spontaneous vacation.


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