Saturday, 1 February 2014

Literature: The Song from Within the Story

   Happy Saturday morning dearest readers! I hope you all didn't tire yourselves out too much yesterday; I myself made homemade pizzas with my roommates and started to fall asleep on the couch at 9:30, so I was happy to be able to go to bed early for once (this is evidence on how thrilling my social life is, and I'm completely okay with that). This morning I am choosing to post another video, but this time of myself rather than one of a comedian. This one will be another song, but let me explain the context of this one a little more.
   I had mention previously that I am an aspiring author and I'm trying to take all of the steps necessary, if not more, to try to reach my goal. Up to now, I've written a total of 5 novels and one novella (not counting short stories, children's books and poems), and I find myself constantly editing and re-working them until I feel like part of myself belongs to the book. What gives me the inspiration to write so many stories at such a young age is:
 1. I think of myself as being quite creative,
 2. I use every single opportunity as the props for a new story,
 3. I daydream a lot and
 4. I'm an avid reader myself.
   I also have this little trick that when I'm reading (or writing), there must ALWAYS be music playing; it becomes like a soundtrack to the story for me. With this as well, before I even attempt to write out any of my stories, I see them all as types of movies that play on repeat in my head; and doesn't every good movie have a soundtrack dedicated to it, or at least one song. So that's essentially what I like to do for my own stuff. I create a kind of personal fandom that links to my stories. I have the songs, some drawings, posters and once in a while, I will create pieces of jewelry unique to a specific tale (making jewelry is another hobby of mine).
   So with all of this stated out in the open, I will insert the video of one of the song for one of my stories. It is linked to my newest one, which is still in the process of being edited, and it is called The Hidden Village. I'd like to apologize to my friend Gen (who does all of the cover drawings and the inserted pictures for my stories) because she has been with me every step of the way for this story, but she refuses to let me tell her anything about it until it has been written and edited at least once; so Gen, DON'T LOOK AT THE VIDEO!!! Readers you can feel free to look, and even if it does tell you some things, trust me it is a very vague description of the story so it won't give too much away. I hope you enjoy none the less.


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