Monday 18 January 2016

Love: The Need for Nap time

   Good morning my dear readers! In order to keep up with the blog while still staying on top of my last (and ever so busy) semester, I've decided to write one entry a week, on Monday mornings (or Sunday nights). This will be a nice way to start off my week, and I hope it will do the same for you. The title of the entry today refers to people's ever changing opinion of naptime.
   Like so many things in this world, people want what they can't have and reject what they need. As children, it isn't often that we see kids lining up to take their afternoon nap, and if they do fall asleep, it's more out of exhaustion than out of actual desire. However as adults (or whatever we are called when we are technically no longer classified as kids anymore), we are expected to function on little sleep, lots of work and social outings. Napping isn't as highly regarded as it used to be because it seems wasteful of the amount of time that is ever so precious. As an adult, I've noticed that I have a hard time napping in the afternoon except when I go camping. I'd rather go to bed early and sleep in a little longer.
   However, this weekend I felt that I was much more tired than usual. It felt as though I had been back in Ottawa for a month when in reality is was only coming close to a week. I have a lot more reading to do every week, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get what I needed done finished in time. On Saturday, I could barely keep my eyes awake for more than two hours at a time, and when all of your homework consists of reading pages and screens, it doesn't help if you can't focus. So more than once (a total of three times actually), I decided to go upstairs to my room and take a nap. The first couple of times, it was a short half an hour or so nap, while the last one around 4:00pm was roughly two hours. I woke up to an empty apartment since Katie and Riley went to the movies (after trying to wake up me for a good 15 minutes before giving up), and I even managed to go to bed early after all that, and even fall asleep.
   I figured that I must have been exhausted, but I still managed to have quite the productive weekend since I finished all of the reading I needed done for this week. So in the grand scheme of things, taking a nap was probably the smartest thing I did all weekend.
   So keep that in mind next time you're pushing yourself for one more hour of studying, or for you to complete one more project before you take a break. Sometimes (and most of the time), your body really does know what it needs so it's best to listen to it. Therefore work hard dearest readers, but take a nap every once in a while; the benefits are incredible!

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