Monday 22 February 2016

Laughter: You Go Glen Coco!

   Good  morning my dear readers! I am pleased and a little homesick to be back in Ottawa but on the plus side, I have a total of 68 days left before I move back and have my degree completed. I am over the moon and still a little bit stressed; I'm just full of mixed emotions today! Though I'm back from my Reading Week, I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have enough time to complete all of the work I had set out to do but that's usually what happens when I go home. However, I didn't sit around and do nothing, I was extremely productive and that is what refers to today's title.

   Believe it or not, it is not everyone who understand Mean Girls references, and when my mother and I revealed to my father the names of very special items we had just purchased (thinking we were the most clever people on the planet) my father simply nodded agreeing that they seemed to be good names. Now, when I was back home, my crazy and generous parents (whom I am so so grateful to have) brought me car shopping after my father had already set out a couple for my mother. It was time for change, and for me to have the possibility of the open road in front of me. My mother on Friday, bought a 2016 Honda CR-V in a coffee colour that she immediately named Coco (because yes, we are those people that name our cars). My father had been eyeing this 2006 silver CR-V for me (which is basically one of my favourite cars to drive and the one I got my license with back in the day) and it was reasonably priced. After lots of back and forth and multiple appointments left and right of all the things necessary when acquiring a vehicle, we put the down payment for it on Thursday. When I heard what my mom was calling her car, I was inspired since we're basically driving the same car, just a decade apart, and thus Glen emerged out of oblivion.

   So now I feel a little more free, a little more excited for the summer to come around so that I may go on many more adventures. But do remember dearest readers, make sure your audience is well versed in your material before you become a stand up comic because the joke isn't as funny if you have to explain it. Though the punch line was ruined, I still got a car so you know....silver lining and all. See you on the open road dear readers!


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