Friday 8 August 2014

Laughter: Okay Alice

   Good morning dearest readers and I know it is still early so I don't expect most of you to be awake yet, but I wanted to write one last entry before I left for my vacation this morning. It will be a quick entry at that.
   For many things, my mother and I share many interests. However, when it comes to books, I tend to gravitate more towards my father's preferences than my mothers. It's not that my mom doesn't read good books, it's that she's a lot more open when it comes to books than I am. I'm not one who likes sappy, lovey-dovey or even those who claim to be fiction but portray a much too real story to be able to have that title.
   My mother just recently finished a book entitled "Still Alice" and from what I understand, it's the story of a mother who has an early stage of Alzheimer's which is only going to get much worse with time. This is a serious issue, but my mom enjoyed it because it made her think and consider a whole new perspective to how she sees the world now. My parents have even started a kind pun back home related to the book. When one of them starts to forget something, they just tell each other "Okay Alice, what did you forget?" and then proceed to help each other find the item that has been lost. As I was packing last night, I couldn't remember when I had put some papers and my new contact lenses that my mom had given me on Tuesday, and I spent the night retracing my steps to no success, just to have her look in the box of books next to the bed and pull out the bag that I needed.
   Though I hadn't read the book, I still know much about the story since my mom likes talking to me about it. Even if we don't all have unfortunate early signs of Alzheimer's, we still seem to misplace things a lot more easily. When you've got too much on your plate, relax, take a step back and get someone else's perspective because you might just be overthinking the whole things. Pace yourself at everything because life's a marathon; sure you can come out on top, but you'll end up exhausted too. Live you life the way it was meant to be lived!


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