Saturday 6 August 2016

Laughter: Distance is Subjective

   Good afternoon my dear readers and I hope your Saturday is just as great as mine. I've spent the day lounging around and relaxing, and I've come to the realization that it was well deserved. Now one thing that I've been doing a lot this summer is travelling, and with travelling comes long distances. But, distance is subjective to the one travelling it.

   In my family, we are natural travellers. My father travels every week for work and drives long hours so that we can lead the life we have. My mother also travels for work and for leisure. It's no surprise that I do the same, but many other people do not have the same thoughts on travelling. For me, travelling six hours for an interview is something that I've done more than once this summer. Relocating at a moment's notice for a new job isn't always so easy for everyone. And driving down one weekend to have 45 hours to pack up your life, sleep and start fresh isn't the ideal everyone looks for. However, this is the life I'm leading. I've had people gawk and gasp when I tell them the summer I've been living and the life I'm creating since not everyone understands it; and I don't expect them to. But when you're born and raised in a life of travel, and the conviction to do what needs to be done, distance is but a number. It is a path that gets you from your point A to your point B. So sometimes, even though other people think I'm a little crazy, I think it's funny how little they are willing to venture off in the world.

   This is what happened when I came back from Newfoundland. I had an interview in Ottawa on a Tuesday afternoon, and I was coming back from Newfoundland to Toronto on Monday night. My mother picked me up to give a break and let me prep for my interview while we drove to the capital city early Tuesday morning. We got there with plenty of time, and half an hour after the interview itself, I learned that I had gotten the job, and that I started Friday. I had two suitcases with me, no car and no place to live, but I had a job for 8 months, and a great adventure ahead. These past two weeks have been quite the learning curve, but with all the hustle and bustle, I've managed to crash at my aunt's house while I found myself an apartment, got my car back from Toronto, moved the first load of my stuff from back home, and prepped myself for the adult life I am starting to lead.

   So distance for me is a very subjective thing, like time, because I do what needs to be done at the time it needs to be done at. Things happen for a reason, and believe it or not, even greater things are on the horizon for me, and in the field that I aspire to work in. Had I not had this attitude on life, and made the choices I did, none of these great things would be happening. The world is a funny place sometimes and I'm laughing along with it, and so should you dearest readers!


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