Wednesday 24 August 2016

Laughter: Morning Meetings

   Hello to all of you dearest readers and happy hump day! Yes it is Wednesday and we are forever inching closer to another glorious weekend. Some people might think I'm too much of a morning person, or that I'm always in a good mood, and those people would actually be right for a change. You've no doubt learned by now that I'm a positive person, but what helps out my great outlook on life is a good start in the morning.

   I always make sure to get enough sleep when I can. I make myself a cup of coffee and often pack myself breakfast if I don't have time to eat at home. I get dressed, put on some music, and have a calm bus ride to work as I contemplate all of everything. You can maybe guess why this seems to put me in a good mood; there's no stress to veer me off track. But another thing that always makes me smile in the morning is that I get to see Riley. We both head over to the mall for work; him to catch a bus to work and me, arriving there to then walk to work. We cross paths almost every morning and simply smile to each other as we pass by one another. It's a little awkward sometimes when we slow down and say hi, especially with other people walking near us, because those people sometimes think (and maybe panic a little on the inside) that we're slowing down to talk to them. It's like that awkward moments when you see someone waving and you wave back, just to realize that they weren't waiving at you the whole time. Yeah, it's like one of those moments.

   What made me laugh this morning is that ever since I've officially moved into my new apartment, I get to the mall a little later than usual therefore I meet Riles at the transfer station instead of crossing paths down the street. Yesterday however, my bus was a little later, and I had just missed him. This morning, I was right on time and was able to smile, and say hi as I passed him by on my way to work. He then proceeded to text me saying: "You were way too excited, Kyla. But hi! Hahahah." I went on to explain that I hadn't seen him yesterday, so my enthusiasm was just a double dose since I didn't get the chance to smile and wave as we passed each other. So even if Riles and I aren't living together anymore, it's basically like we still are! I think I've seen him more this summer than the entire last semester in the apartment with Katie.

   It doesn't take much to start your start your day off right. Sometimes it's a good cup of coffee, and other times, it's a "good morning" from a best friend. Find what puts you in a good mood and add it to your morning routine. Then maybe, just maybe my dear readers, you'll become a little more of a morning person too!

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