Tuesday 16 August 2016

Laughter: I Have Too Much Sh*t!

   Good morning dearest readers! Hope your weekend was good and your adventures plentiful. As for me, I spent the weekend preparing to move, shopping for things for my new apartment, to then finally start the move yesterday. I honestly think that I'm fated to live my life in a state of perpetual packing. Living out of boxes and living out of a suitcase are two VERY different things and I'm also learning that I prefer the latter over the former. For some, it's the other way around.

   Now what I find so funny (and this could very well be because I'm just so exhausted after carrying everything I own over and over again), that every single time I have to move my things to a new place, I feel like I have more things than when I started. But that doesn't make sense since I basically get rid/donate a minimum of two bags of things every single time I move my things. It gets tiresome heaving all of everything. But somehow, I always end up having too much sh*t!!

   Nicole managed to move her whole life in one day, and I, basically having the same amount of stuff brought in that she did, only brought in a portion of my life. And now I don't want to bring any more. I think I'm content with living on a mattress on the floor, with a box of linens, a few kitchen items, and using my floor as my closet, book shelves and desk. I think I will resolve to do that (though I don't think my mother will let me go through with it).

   And though we are trying to set up our lives a little bit at a time (but in a quick and orderly fashion since we're having a party at our new places this weekend to celebrate Nicole's birthday), there are just so many things to do and so little hours in a day. I start to understand a little more now why some people don't like to travel that much; most likely because of all the packing and unpacking they're dreading. But it's like I said dear readers, suitcases and boxes are very different things, but I'm learning that they both lead to amazing adventures!


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