Thursday 4 August 2016

Laughter: Less than 5 Minutes

   With my last post for the night, I thought I'd leave you my dearest readers, with a story that happened to me when I came back from Iceland! Once I came back from the beautiful island, I found myself feeling restless at home all alone. All I wanted to do was travel and wander about, discovering and exploring. To look at things as if it was the first or the last time I would see them. My bedroom (that was cluttered at that time) was not the best view for this kind of thinking. So one day, I set off to my favourite place on this earth, to clear my mind and get some perspective. I filled up my car, packed a picnic lunch and headed off to Manitoulin Island!

   The drive was great and peaceful. I had made mix CDs the night before (since that's the only kind of music my 2006 CRV can have) and I sang my heart out on the open road. I know I probably looked a little crazy to some people, but the only ones who could hear and/or care were myself and my car Glen. I made it to the island around noon, stopped at the local coffee shop for a refill and drove to a perfect spot. It was close to a boat launch, and it had a few picnic tables and benches. I settled myself down, took out my lunch to tackle that first, and in less than 5 minutes, two adorable dogs parked themselves right behind me. They appeared out of nowhere (probably from a neighbouring camp) and just sat in my shade, giving me pleading eyes for a bite of my lunch. I caved in a few minutes later because they were simply too adorable, and then they proceeded to keep me company for the rest of my day, knowing all too well that I had no more food. With every new family stopping by the boat launch to spend their day on the water, the two dogs stayed faithfully by my side and their steady breathing set the rhythm to which I wrote out a chapter and half of my newer story.

   I had set out that day to spend it by myself, to get some space when apparently that wasn't the thing I really needed. I just needed a different kind of companionship. I wasn't alone, but I wasn't feeling lonely like I may have been before. The world works in mysterious ways and what we want isn't always what we need; but we have to be open enough to see it, and let it happen. Sharing is caring my dear readers and that's how we make great friends!


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