Thursday 4 August 2016

Laughter: It's Just Another Box, Right?

   Good evening my dear readers and thank you again for your astounding dedication to my blog. It means a lot that so many people (pushing close to 4000 original views) are interested in the little moments in my life that make it a great one. And I hope you all get ideas to live your lives to the fullest from how I live mine! I thought the first entry of many, for the next couple of weeks, should be one that encapsulates my entire summer...and that is the feeling of packing and living out of a suitcase.

   I've always been one who loves to travel and boy, did I get my fix this summer! It's still not enough though to kick the urge to travel completely since I've already started to plan my big trip for next summer. A wandering spirit never rests! And what I've managed to find out this summer is that I'm a person that takes an EXTREMELY long time to get settled in. Even before I got home, my mother had painted my room from a bright yellow to a mystical dark green (my new favourite colour) and pale grey. She had emptied out everything single thing in my room, every little single nook and cranny had been cleared out and put into a box to then be inspected by me. This was a process I had to do to apparently get settled into my new adult life. Now apparently, when you graduate university you're an adult, but not a real one officially. No, you only become a real adult when you get your first real job after university, but often there, you're not even considered a real adult yet either because you're only in the beginnings of it all. So all of that to say that I'm apparently an adult, whose doing everything an "adult" is supposed to do but I'm not necessarily one yet because I don't have the life experience to go with it. I know, it's confusing, but try to keep up like I've been trying to do!

   So, my room is already empty and I have boxes to go through on top of all of the boxes I brought back with my from Ottawa (which managed to fill up two cars to their tops) and I had already 25 boxes stacked in our house's crawl space. It's incredible how much stuff one human being can accumulate over the years of living in one apartment. Well I learned that the hard way and spent the remaining free time I had at home unpacking and sifting through the numerous boxes, deciding the fate of its stored contents. I got rid of lots of knick knacks, clothes, jewellery (but no books because that would be blasphemous) and even some shoes. I donated what I could and threw out what I couldn't. Nearing the end of May (when I was getting ready to leave for Iceland) I had roughly half of it all done. Let's say that when I came back, my desire to clean was even less present and thus made the whole process that much more difficult to accomplish. It took me until the very beginning of July to feel like I had adequately converted my room into a space that would suit me. Then I left for Ottawa for the Bluesfest festival with my friend Gen, came back for a day to change my suitcase, and then headed off again to Newfoundland with my grand-parents. I did not go home after that.

   Between all the trips and the hustle and bustle of the world, I manage to get myself a job in Ottawa with a great organization and some great people. I found myself a new roommate and now a new apartment. And now I have to move AGAIN. I have to go and unpack the careful work I had done to my space and shove it all in boxes AGAIN. All of my things are temporarily stored in boxes and bags in a storage unit and in my aunts basement. I feel like a nomad and it's not that bad. It would be a whole lot easier without ALL of the stuff I have (and let's be honest, I probably picked the heaviest hobby imaginable) so the transportation of it all isn't always so easy. But I love a good challenge, and I love even more a new adventure. So from box to box, I am building my life; not only as a fresh new adult coming into the vast adult world, but as my own person with great aspirations and a thirst for discovery. I guess "domestic life never suited [me] like a suitcase" - The Lumineers.


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