Saturday 6 August 2016

Love: Let The Music Take Me Away

   Good afternoon dearest readers and happy weekend! It may have felt like you have been waiting for your Saturday for a long time and I can tell you that you're not the only one either. This is my first official weekend where I have absolutely nothing to do, and I couldn't be happier. With my summer being full of adventures and excitement, I've barely had a moment to catch my breath (let alone sleep in); and don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change it for a thing, but I'm glad to finally get a small moment of peace, and a good night's rest.

   With my writing, I've been granted the opportunity to reminisce about all of my adventures, and sometimes, I'm stunned by how much I actually got accomplished in such a short amount of time. Another of the big moments of my summer, was when my friend Gen and I drove down to Ottawa for Bluesfest. This was my fourth year at the festival, and I was just as excited. It brought me back to the first year I went with Riley and Katie since we were only there for a few days, but it was just as good. This time, I went with Gen and Nicole. We went to see Boy & Bear, The Head and the Heart, Noel Gallager and the High Flying Monkeys, The Tallest Man on Earth, and of course, The Lumineers. The energy at the festival was incredible, and the days were good. Most of the stages we were at were smaller, and we managed to get front row for some of the shows. I'll admit that I haven't been able to stop listening to their music since I've been back but I've used it as the soundtrack to which I'm writing my newest story.

   It was a great weekend, and I know that the coming week was calling me for my next adventure, but the songs I heard spoke to me on a level I needed. There are moments when it's like we hear a song for the first time even though it's been playing on repeat on our iPods for the longest time. It's amazing what the world will choose to tell you when you least expect it. It speaks often to us, but we seldom listen. It's mind blowing when we finally do, and it inspires us too. Festivals are both a letting go and a reconnecting with who we are, and the world we come from. It seems simple enough, or even a little far fetched for those who go for all the wrong reasons, but the world has some pretty cool things to tell us if we just stop talking for a moment, and listen to it instead.


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