Monday 24 March 2014

Laughter: A Different Purpose than Intended

   Hello dear readers and let's all greet Monday with the widest smile and biggest determination. With the release of the I Am Grateful project yesterday, most of the blog's focus surrounds that entry, (there's nothing wrong with that but we don't want to make it too hard for people to find it either). This morning post will be a lighter one and is literally about something that just happened a few minutes ago as I made my way downstairs to have a bowl of cereal and my cup of coffee.
   In my usual routine, I tend to wake up anywhere between 6:30 and 8:30 but if I'm really tired, I might sleep in until 9:00. I'm really quite a morning person because I feel like I get so much done, and that since I go to bed relatively early enough as well, I'm well rested to start my day again on a good note. With all of that said, I woke up close to 8:15 this morning, and as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, I noticed that Riley's bedroom door was open (which meant that he was awake) and I was even more surprised to see Katie sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast (she's usually awake after I've done my morning routine). All of this kind of threw me off because for some odd reason (and I blame this on the weird dream I was having 5 minutes before I woke up), I was still tired.
   So I grabbed my cereal bowl, my coffee cup and joined Katie at the kitchen table. Not too long after Riley sat down with us and fixed his broken laces on his shoes so that he could still wear them until he would buy new laces. The moment Riley sat down, we realized that it was the first time this year that we actually all sat down together (at the KITCHEN table) for a meal. Sure Katie and I had used it as a work station during exam time, and I hosted my aunt, uncle and cousin for a dinner, but between the three of us, it had never gotten its intended use; we didn't even use it when we had our Roomie Christmas before winter break.
   It's not the only thing in our apartment that doesn't get its intended purpose fulfilled. I have a small outdoor chair/table combination that rests in my bedroom and creates a kind of writing corner instead of its intended outdoor dining quarters. So dearest readers, be creative with the usage of your furniture and belongings because they can become a lot more useful with more that one purpose. It might seem a little funny at first, but what will be funnier is how practical it will become and how you wish you had thought of its use sooner.


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